Colorado River Estates & Wills Offers a Variety of Legal Documents at Affordable Prices
To protect yourself, your family, and your assets during your lifetime and ensure your beneficiaries receive the property you bequeath to them, it’s important to create and maintain the proper legal documents.
Gary Ramelot is an Arizona trained and certified paralegal who can help you get your affairs in order to avoid legal troubles later on.
CREW creates each legal form based on the specific needs of our clients; we don’t use “fill in the blanks” or “check the boxes” forms that contain extraneous language unrelated to your situation. For court filings, your documents will be on pleading paper just like attorneys use. Ask about our specially priced legal forms packages, which can save you money by bundling our services together based on your personal needs.
- Wills
- Probate Forms
- Powers of Attorney
- Advance Directives/Medical Powers of Attorney
- Real Estate Titles & Deeds
- Small Estate Affidavits: Affidavit for Succession to Real Property, Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property
- Uncontested Divorce Documents
- Contracts & Other Legal Documents
- Arizona Corporations/LLCs

A Last Will and Testament is a legal document that fully describes all your assets, including real estate, bank accounts, stock portfolio and other financial assets, as well as your personal property, and details who you want to inherit each asset when you die. Without a properly written Will, your heirs may need to go through a potentially expensive Probate process in the courts.
A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives another person the right to act on your behalf. This document can detail specific rights you will confer, such as buying or selling property, managing your financial affairs, applying for public benefits, collecting your debts, or suing on your behalf.
An Advance Directive is used to guide your medical team and loved ones when they need to make decisions about your medical care when you are not able to. These legally binding documents fall into three categories: Living Will, Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy.
Real Estate Titles and Deed documents confer ownership of real property and are recorded in the county in which the real estate is located. Deeds can outline who has the legal right to transfer or sell real estate, and who will inherit the property after you die. There are a variety of Deed options in Arizona, including a General Warranty Deed, Special Warranty Deed, Deed of Trust, Quitclaim Deed, Bargain and Sale Deed, and Beneficiary Deed.
Small Estate Affidavits can allow heirs to transfer title to real estate, vehicles, bank accounts and other personal property without going through the court probate process. An Affidavit for Succession to Real Property is a legal form that allows transfer of real estate with an assessed value of up to $100,000. An Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property allow the transfer of bank accounts, vehicle titles, and other assets valued at $75,000 or less.
In Arizona, divorce is legally called Dissolution of Marriage. An uncontested divorce is one in which both spouses agree on the distribution of marital property and there are no minor children. We can produce all the forms the Superior Court requires to allow you to file your divorce yourself, saving on attorney’s fees.
Contracts for services or transfer of property have certain legal content requirements to protect all parties under the Uniform Commercial Code, Common Law of Contracts, and U.S. Uniform Computer Transactions Act. We can create contracts that meet these requirements.
Forming a Corporation or Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Arizona is a multi-step process that begins with creating Articles of Incorporation. Other required legal documents that must be filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) include a statutory agent acceptance form, certificate of disclosure, and cover letter.
Nothing on this page should be considered legal advice. Paralegals may prepare legal documents but may not give legal advice. Please consult with the attorney of your choice if you have questions.