Enjoy The Show!
We get entertainers noticed and attract larger audiences for venues and events

CREW is a specialty marketing and networking platform for musicians, bands, entertainers and entertainment venues in the Colorado River Valley area. Our calendar is shared with all regional media outlets to help get the word out to a larger audience. Listings are FREE for entertainers!

We produce high-quality professional images and videos, electronic press kits, and ‘old school’ printed materials (yes, they still work!). Our decades-long relationship with print and broadcast media in the region means we can get your photos and content onto the printed page or airwaves without investing in an expensive paid advertising campaign or relying on the venue to do all your promotion.
PHOTO: James Young,, Tommy Shaw & Todd Sucherman of Styx – Image by CREW
Regional Entertainment & Events Calendar

CREW is the one-stop digital location for entertainment information in the region. Entertainers can list their show schedules for free and folks looking for something fun to do can find out about the myriad entertainment options in one single online location. Too busy entertaining to do your own promotion? We offer affordable photography and video packages along with professional press releases to help get the word out about your act, band, original music, or other newsworthy happenings.
PHOTO: Bruce Speakman of RGB & Marvelous Mustangs – Image by CREW

Send in your info and show dates to make sure your gigs are included in our calendar of events. This service is FREE for bands and entertainers of all kinds based in the tri-state area! Acts based in the Colorado River Valley can submit all your gigs no matter where they are so fans and followers can always find you.
PHOTO: Catbone – Image by CREW
Submit Your Free Calendar Listings
Use the form below to tell us about you and your band or entertainment act, provide photos and bio info and the dates and locations of your upcoming gigs. We’ll let you know when your content is posted, plus we send our calendar content to all the regional media for you at no cost – that’s right, this service is FREE! CREW’s mission is to support local musicians, bands and entertainers of all kinds through our online entertainment calendar and other marketing and promotion services. We make it simple for locals and visitors to find out what’s happening in the area and promote our local music scene.
Submit Your Calendar Listing
You will receive a confirmation email from CREW with details on how to submit photos, video links & images (such as your logo). Please do not submit the same gig more than once and allow at least 48 hours for our response. Submissions received less than 7 days prior to the event date may not be posted. We reserve the right to edit content provided. By submitting this form you agree to allow CREW to use your content and images in our websites and marketing materials and to share your content with other media outlets. Our mission is to promote the local music scene online, in print and on the airwaves.

Colorado River Entertainment Works – CREW
702-708-CREW (2739)
Serving Bullhead City, Mohave Valley, Lake Havasu City & Parker, Arizona, Laughlin Nevada, and Needles, California.
Copyright CREW – All rights reserved